Hi, my name is


I build things for the web

A keen Software Developer/Consultant with 10 years’ experience in IT Professional Services and Web Application development. My main tech interests are; AWS Serverless Application Architecture (Lambda, Fargate etc..), CI/CD (AWS CDK) and frontend development (ReactJS).
I really enjoy working with small companies and startups, as solving new and novel problem with tech is incredibly rewarding. I also enjoy helping development teams, new to certain tech (such as NodeJS or AWS), level up their skills.
With my team of skilled professionals, we’re well-equipped to assist you in building a top-tier software solution for your project. Whether you’re embarking on a new venture or hoping to scale a small idea into a big one please get in touch.

About Me

A software developer from the UK specializing in web development.

  • 10 years experience as an IT consultant, predominantly in banking projects (Zurich and Singapore).
  • 4 years experience as an independent contractor.
  • 4 years experience working for startups, building products from the ground up.
Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Frontend - JavaScript/TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, D3.js
  • Backend - Node.js, Java (Spring Boot)
  • Testing - Jest, Puppeteer, Cypress
  • AWS - API Gateway, Lambda, Cognito, DynamoDB, EC2, ECS
  • DevOps - Jenkins, Docker, AWS Cloud Development Kit
  • Relational and NoSQL Databases - Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB


Senior Software Engineer - Telepathy Labs
Feb 2022 - Current
  • Architect and build several Telepathy Labs software products.
  • Technologies; Node.js, React.js, Next.js, TypeScript, Docker, GraphQL.
  • Schedule, supervise and delegate tasks among other developers.
Chief Technology Officer - Whire
June 2021 - Current
  • Set the technical direction for product development.
  • Manage and oversee all IT related elements of business.
Expert Software Developer - Zühlke Group
Jul 2020 - Jan 2022
  • Responsible for developing IT architectures of innovative software solutions and for strategic client technology consulting.
  • Technologies; Node.js, React.js, TypeScript, Jenkins, Docker, Java (Spring Boot).
  • Frontend Capability Owner: Responsible for reviewing technology horizons (key technologies used in current and future projects) and planning learning for developers.
  • Conducted initial and final stage interviews.
Senior Architect - Appway Singapore
Apr 2018 - Jul 2020
  • Involved in every step of the product development life cycle from requirements to training.
  • Designed and implemented several large-scale enterprise applications.
  • Influenced key stakeholders. Proposed new and alternative solutions taking efficiency, maintainability and client satisfaction into consideration.
  • Trained other developers in the use of Appway and Appway project architecture.
  • Supported and maintained production environments.
Senior Architect - Appway AG
Sep 2014 - Mar 2018
  • Worked both on and offsite with several financial services clients.
  • Designed and built a variety of solutions using Appway. A fully Java+HTML-based Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) engine that outputs interactive web applications based on a given model of a business process.
  • Held project management responsibilities including project scope planning and client billing.


2011 - 2014
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), Computer Science
University of York
Grade: 2:1

My Team

Leveraging established networks in Singapore and Vietnam, I lead a team of skilled professionals dedicated to crafting top-tier software solutions for your project.
With access to a broad pool of talent, we can assemble a team tailored precisely to your project’s requirements.

My team excels in essential aspects of software development, covering:

  • Web Development
  • Backend Development
  • Mobile Development
  • DevOps


Introduction Whire is a Singaporean Tech Startup which helps companies hire great people faster …
Alpaca Cup
Introduction Alpaca Cup is an event management application for hosting and scoring competitions. The …

Code Samples

Network Animation

Animating a series of chronological events occurring in network graph. Features sliders for playing and varying speed and an event timeline table with clickable rows.

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • D3.js
Realtime Crypto Tracker

A simple web-app exposing the real time market value (USD) of 2 cryptocurrencies BTC and ETH for potential investors.

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • NodeJS
  • Web Sockets
Social Network Api

Proof of concept for a social network api.

  • NodeJS (TypeScript)
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB
Show Reels

Proof of concept web-app for editing short video clips.

  • React
  • NodeJS (TypeScript)
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!